Easy DIY Gumball Machine Costume

Friday, October 30, 2015

EASY DIY Gumball Machine Costume

Hi all! Popping in for a minute today to share this costume I just finished up for my girlie. 

Let me start by saying, this idea was not original to me. I found it here, and thought it was so adorable that I had to upsize it for my 4 year old!

This is a super easy diy, with minimal sewing if you buy a premade hat as well, which would make it quick enough you could finish it up yet tonight!

Supplies needed:
Red Shirt
Black Pants
Fitted hood/hat (or the All In One Hooded Scarf pattern)
Fabric Glue
Black & Gray Felt
Sewing Machine (optional)

EASY DIY Gumball Machine Costume
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