Image Only Interview on Caila Made

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hi guys!

I am so so SO excited to be guest posting over at Caila Made today!

The minute I stumbled onto Caila's blog, it was love at first sight. Her writing is so genuine and down to earth. Her sewing is AMAZING and her sweet little models are just so adorable! And when I reached out to her for a little blogging advice I found out she is so sweet and kind in real life too! I want to be just like her when I grow up :)

Along with four other lovely ladies and myself, Caila is conducting an Image-Only Interview all week long, with a line of description if necessary.

Hop on over and see what questions she has been asking and the creative ways everyone is answering them with a photo!

Here is a sneak peek at my photos. Head *HERE* to read the interview!

Until tomorrow!

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Roller Skate Dress Flip - TUTORIAL

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hi friends! 

Last week I showed you the Roller Skate Dress "flip" I did for the Flip This Pattern series over at Frances Suzanne. The winners were announced and while I didn't win the judge's choice I was named one of Father's Fantastic Five! WOOO! 

Flip This Pattern Father's Fantastic Five

Today I'm going to give you a step-by-step tutorial on the changes I made to the pattern to flip it!

To purchase the Oliver and S pattern, click here: Pattern Link

Fresh Blueberry Pie

Monday, July 22, 2013

I LOVE fresh blueberries! Growing up I was fortunate to live next door to my grandparents and they just happened to have a huge blueberry patch. We spent hours and hours out in the summer heat filling our buckets full of delicious berries. I may not have seen it as all that fortunate back then ;) But now I will gladly spend several hours picking those yummy berries and then freezing them so we can enjoy them all year long.

Oliver & S Roller Skate Dress Flip

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hello, hello! 

Flip This Pattern

So if you haven't heard... There is this really fun sew-along happening over at Frances Suzanne called Flip This Pattern. It's going on for a whole year! Each month there is a different pattern where contestants and readers are challenged to "flip" the pattern of the month. Along with that, there are of course, prizes! Which makes it even more fun.

The pattern for July is the Rollerskate Dress from Oliver & S. I had been eyeing this pattern and when I saw that it was the July pattern to flip, I knew I had to sew along! 

My Favorite Granola Recipe

Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy Friday! I can't believe another weekend is upon us! Already. It feels like the week was just getting started :) What's it going to be like once my littles are in school?!

Do you have a recipe that you make so often, you have it memorized? I really enjoy trying new recipes, so I tend to make ALOT of new recipes, especially for dinner and baking sweet things. I get rather bored with the same dinners over and over. Same with sweet treats, there are so many delicious recipes out there, I just want to try them all!

Sewing Trends Round-Up on Sew, Mama, Sew!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pretty excited to be featured on a Sewing Trends round-up on Sew Mama Sew today, put together by Rachael of Imagine Gnats!!!

Thanks Rachael!

Go here to see the round-up.

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Staycation - Part II

Hey guys! Welcome to my picture re-cap of Part 2 of our "Staycation". In case you're wondering, we decided to spend our 4 day holiday weekend at home and found some awesome, fun, and practically free things to do. 

On this particular day we headed off to the grocery store after breakfast because we were out of the essentials. Bread and milk. Does this happen to anyone else?? Always. It's bread and milk. So while we were there we picked up a few things for a picnic lunch.

Off we went to the park and had us a grand time!

These stinkers have my whole heart.

Staycation - Part I

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hi friends!

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend! My little family and I had a wonderful one. It was a 4 day weekend for my hardworking hubby, which was quite a treat! While it would have been fun to head to the beach or stay at a hotel a few nights, we decided to make it a "Staycation Weekend". And boy, did we have fun! We played until we could play no more. Spent a day at home working around the house. And then played some more :)

Running. And then SLIDING!!! Over. And over. And over. Love her enthusiasm!

Festive Summer Outfit - Boy Version

Friday, July 5, 2013

I'm so excited to show you the Boy Version of the Festive Summer Outfit set! I conquered a couple of firsts with this outfit. Believe it or not it was my first time making a t-shirt. I know! But it was so easy and fun and t-shirts are such a blank canvas, I will be making MANY more in the future.

Festive Summer Outfit - Girl Version

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hello friends! I'm so glad you are stopping by today.

So I had totally planned this awesome brother/sister outfit post for today, but... Unfortunately, I am only one woman, and life and kids and the fact that I may be a bit of a perfectionist and a slow sewer rainy weather, so no pictures, all got in the way of this awesome post. :( But no worries, I'll have it for you soon!
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