I have a kindergartner!! If you follow me on Instagram you may have heard plenty about this fact already, lol. He's excited and to my surprise, I am too!
And since I have a kindergartner, I had a fantastic excuse to sew a bit for my oldest, whom I hadn't sewed for in quite a while! And to give me just the motivation I needed, I of course said YES! when asked if I'd like to participate in Mie of Sewing Like Mad's
Sewing for Kindergarten Series.
The participants in the series are asked a few fun questions - here are my answers!
Is this your first time sending a child to Kindergarten?
In fact, he's never been to any type of preschool before this, we did lessons at home up to this point, so the 8:30 - 3:45 (when he comes off the bus) is definitely an adjustment for him. His birthday is 8 days before the age cut off, so based on my husband's and my instincts, plus advice from teacher friends we decided not to send him until the year he turned 6. So this year he headed off to his first day of school having just turned 6 a couple of days before. So far, I feel the decision has been a great one, he is super ready to learn, and being a, all BOY all the time, the extra year has helped him be able to sit still for longer periods of time. He still has a hard time with that at some points but what kindergarten boy doesn't!
Do you feel like crying or celebrating?
I feel like I should feel like crying, but he's SO ready for it, and needed that structure that I had a hard time giving him at home. He's happy, so I'm happy!! Plus I still have 2 other little munchkins at home to distract me. Aaaannnd. It feels like a teeny bit of a vacation to run errands with only two again. Ha.
And what about your child?
He's never mentioned any bit of negative feeling about going to school, he's loving it! From what I can gather, his favorite thing to do is go to the library. Because I'm pretty sure the librarian is his favorite.