Pintuck Dress - Heidi & Finn Pattern Review

I've been having so. much. fun testing patterns lately!!
Today I'm showing the second version that I sewed of the Heidi & Finn Pintuck Blouse & Dress pattern.
One especially fun thing about testing patterns is interacting with other testers. Today my bloggy friend, Tasha from I Seam Stressed is also showing her version of this pattern in a very cool woven fabric! Her little girl and O are close to the same age and are in the same size clothing so head over there for some fun comparison!! But then don't forget to come back. ;)
We both sewed up the size 2T.

In lieu of being completely redundant, you can go here to read the bulk of the pattern review.

I will say again, I enjoyed sewing this simple, sweet dress and I can see this one getting a ton of wear. It makes the perfect play dress. I totally appreciate the simplicity of the design. It really makes a great blank slate for some great fabric to shine. I've had an obsession for floral fabrics lately and got to indulge that in this dress.

O totally loves it too. It's so comfy she doesn't want to take it off once she has it on. I think it reminds her of her nightgowns .:)

Sometimes there are "blogging issues" in the sewing process. As in, the fabric gives me fits or the machine, or I make crazy mistakes, etc, which then causes time crunch issues. And then sometimes... There are photography issues.

This little one gave me fits in trying to get decent photos for this post!! (Hence the two separate locations.) ((And I'm still not happy with them... (((I tried 3 times!))) Sometimes you just deal.))
But in her defense, when you're 2, it's SO HARD to hold still for photos :)

Head here to grab your copy of this pattern!
And don't forget to check out Tasha's version of the dress here and also take a peek at her blog while you're there too, she has some real skillz!!
And don't forget to check out Tasha's version of the dress here and also take a peek at her blog while you're there too, she has some real skillz!!
The deets:
Pattern: Pintuck Blouse & Dress
Pattern: Pintuck Blouse & Dress
Fabric: Jersey Knit from Joann
Size sewn: 2T, fit is spot on on my 2 1/2 yr old
Modifications: None
Happy Sewing!!
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