Handmade Summer Series Part 5: A Toddler Romper

I made this romper out of an old shirt that unfortunately didn't fit anymore... I would say this was a pretty positive way to transform it! It fits her perfectly and I think she's going to get a full summers use out of it! I made it using my simple shorts pattern (posting next week) and attached the top. Seriously so simple... who knew a romper was so easy to make? If there is anyone out there in blog land who would like a tutorial I would love to post one... so just leave a comment letting me know! :)

Rompers are so cute on babies... and toddlers. Its hard to even gulp that she is big enough to be considered a "toddler" now. Unfortunately, I think she's been one for a while.  I have written up some simple instructions for those of you out there who are advanced sewers on how I did it! For those of you who aren't... seriously just let me know if your interested and a tutorial will come your way ASAP!  :)

1. Make any set of shorts you would like, leaving the top part unfinished.
2. For a 2T size cut 4 rectangles: (2) 12x8 and (2) 13x2.5. 
3. Sew the sides of the 12x8 rectangles together. Finish the top. Leave the bottom unfinished.
4. Sew the rectangle around the shorts pattern, then sew a casing for the elastic around the waist, just below where you connected the top and bottom . Leave a small opening to slide it through using a safety pin. Sew the elastic together, then the hole. Be sure to use a zig zag stitch or a serger if you have one for clean edges.
5. Sew the straps right sides together and flip. 
6. Measure your little one to make sure you get the right amount of elastic for her shoulders... then insert it into the strap. It should look super loose and gathered (if you choose to make it like mine).
7. Attach the straps. 

Enjoy! :)


  1. Oh this is so cute. I love it. I too am struggling with calling my baby a toddler. He's such a baby to me still.
    I was just coming back by to tell you thank you for the words encouragement on the concentric circle dress.
    Also, I really like to reply to comments through email, but your comments showed up as I was having a problem with that a couple weeks back. If you want to fix it you can go to and there are step by step instructions with pictures. You may not yet have a google plus profile, so you can skip the step of getting out of it and back into blogger profile.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I followed the instructions, so hopefully it is fixed now :)

  2. So cute I really, really love it!


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